Sad News about Patricia Bedford

Type of post: Choir news item
Sub-type: No sub-type
Posted By: Philip Voke
Status: Current
Date Posted: Thu, 11 Apr 2024
Funeral Notice Profile Image

Sadly, Patricia passed away on  Monday 25th March 2024. Many of us remember Patricia for her warm smile and friendly ways. She was a gentle person. I believe she was quite shy, and was delighted when members came and chatted with her.

Patricia became the first female tenor in Questors choir history.  She was proud of this and loved to sit in the back row and sing along with the two Mikes. I remember one Questors concert when Patricia came wearing her "tenor outfit" including bow tie. She felt it was wrong for a tenor to wear a dress (in concert). 

The family have invited Questors to attend the funeral and wake on Friday April 19th. Full details can be found on the following link. 

Funeral Notice for Mrs Patricia Marr Bedford (

If you would like to add your own memories of Patricia, please email the webmaster on  who will add them to this section.